Bro. Paul Wu went to be with the Lord

Dear brother Joseph Wu, responsible brothers of the church in Taipei, New Taipei, the dear saints in the Lord’s recovery in Taiwan.
Yesterday afternoon we did receive the sad news from the church in Taipei that brother Paul Wu departed at 3:54 on March 5 at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital.
We feel that we lose a very precious member of the Body as we hear this news. Our dear Bro. Paul Wu visited Vietnam in 2004, has fellowshipped with brothers in Vietnam, dedicated His life in the Lord’s recovery for building up the church, but now no longer be with us. This is really a big loss.
Dear brothers, brother Paul Wu went to be with the Lord, we co-workers in Vietnam would like to present our deep condolences to brother Joseph Wu and His family, responsible brothers of the church in Taipei, New Taipei, the dear saints in the Lord’s recovery in Taiwan, with the hope in the Lord. The departure of brother Paul Wu is just as a long sleep (1 Thes. 4:13). When the Lord come back, our brother will rise up and will be caught up to meet the Lord. There, we will meet him (Rev. 12:5; 2 Cor. 5:10).
May the grace of the Lord be with you abundantly. May the Lord use our brother Paul Wu’s departure to comfort us, give us more faith, hope and encourage us to go on in the Lord’s recovery to build up the church as the Body of Christ.
In Him,
Co-workers in Vietnam

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Last modified: 2020 年 3 月 16 日



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